Croissant & Coffee
We were delighted to host a tasty breakfast meeting with our good friend and associate partner Helena Memory from Hedron Communications.

We were joined by a number of influential Marketing & Communications experts with an interesting diversity of backgrounds and experiences.
The discussion was focused on employer brand and employee advocacy and alongside the caffeine and pastries the conversation was fuelled by a recent survey we had undertaken.
Buoyed up by the fact that a resounding 96% say that employer brand and employee advocacy should be joined up initiatives we started to share experiences. Some common themes emerged, alongside a running debate around ownership and responsibility – which was largely seen as the main barrier to success.
I was delighted to pick up on a new expression “avoid the brand soup” which I believe superbly or should that be “souperbly” describes the blitzed quagmire some organisations find themselves wading through. For me it’s at the heart of developing successful communications initiatives – by making them relevant.
In the good/bad old days that meant when the CEO, for example, had a chat with someone whilst doing the “rounds” – they were able to weave personal relevance into that conversation with an individual.
Nowadays we’re so lucky to have amazing tools and technology at our disposal that means we have no excuse – doesn’t it?
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